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    《Follow Me 跟我学 (中国版)第1册》UNIT 11 CAN I HAVE YOUR NAME, PLEASE?

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    Unit 11 Can I have your name, please? 第十一课 请告诉我你的名字 本课重点:怎样找人办事和约会 A. Texts & Notes 1. Cane I have your name, please? 在弗朗西斯的办公室,秘书珍妮在打字,布莱克夫人进来。 Black: Good morning. I want to see Mr Matthews. Secre

    Unit 11 Can I have your name, please?

    第十一课 请告诉我你的名字


    A. Texts & Notes

    1. Cane I have your name, please?

    Black: Good morning. I want to see Mr Matthews.
    Secretary: Can I have your name, please?
    Black: Black. My name is Black.
    Secretary: Mrs Black or Miss Black?
    Black: Mrs Black.
    Secretary: Mrs Black is here to see you, Mr Matthews.
    Black: Good morning, Mr Matthews.
    Francis: Good morning, Mrs Blake.
    Black: Black. My name is Black.
    Francis: Oh. I'm sorry, Mrs Black.
    Black: Yes, that's right. B-L-A-C-K.
    Francis: B-L-A-C-K. Good. Come into my coffice, Mrs Black. Now, what can I do for you?
    (Brown comes in)
    Secretary: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?
    Brown: I want to see Mr Matthews.
    Secretary: I'm sorry. I'm afraid you can't see him now. He's with Mrs Black. He's talking to Mrs Black. Can I have your name, please?
    Brown: Brown. My name is Brown.
    Secretary: Ah, yes. Mr Jim Brown.
    Brown: Yes. That's right.


    注1. I want to see (Matthews),这是表示要见某人的最常用的说法,它的字面意思是:我要见XXX,但也可以译为:我要找XXX。加上 please 时表示客气,可以译为一种婉转的语气,如我想见XXX,好吗?
    注2. to want 表示意愿。表示想要干某件事情时说:
    I want to watch TV.
    He want to study English.
    这里的 to watch,to study 是动词不定式,在句子的谓语动词后面作宾语。
    注3. Can I have your name, please? 比 What's your name? 要客气一些。
    注4. 介词 in 表示位置,into 表示动作方向:
    IN: He's in London.
    INTO: Come into my office.
    注5. Now, what can I do for you? now 在这里只表示一种承上启下的语气,和 well 相似。What can I do for you? 直译是:我能为你做些什么?这是想提供服务或帮助的时候常用的说法,在商店、旅馆、机场等公共场所,服务人员对顾客常这样说。这句话和 Can I help you? 相似。
    注6. I'm afraid … 当人们否定对方意见时,总是喜欢加上这类话来使语气委婉、客气一些。如:
    I'm afraid you can't see him now?
    I'm afraid he isn't here.

    2. Can I speak to Mr Brown, please?

    Receptionist: Grand Hotel. Good afternoon.
    Francis: Good afternoon. Can I speak Mr Brown? Mr Jim Brown.
    Receptiomist: Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please. Mr Brown? There's a call for you.
    Francis: Is that Jim Brown?
    Brown: Yes. This is Jim Brown speaking. Who's that? Who's calling?
    Francis: This is Francis Matthews here.
    Brown: Hello, Francis. How are you?
    Francis: I'm very well, thank you. And you?
    Brown: Fine, thanks. Can I come and see you this afternoon or this evening?
    Francis: Well, shall I come and see you?
    Brown: All right. Come to my hotel this evening.
    Francis: That's the Grand Hotel.
    Brown: Yes. I'm in room 432.
    Francis: Grand Hotel. Room 432. Fine. Shall I come at six o'clock.
    Brown: All right. I'll see you at six. Goodbye.
    Francis: Goodbye.

    弗朗西斯:是吉姆. 布朗吗?
    布朗:是的,我是吉姆. 布朗。你是谁?你是哪位?
    弗朗西斯:我是弗朗西斯. 麦休斯。

    注7. 打电话用语前面已学了一些,现在又增加几种说法:
    (1) 电话中找人,说:Can I speak to (Mr Brown), please?
    (2) 叫别人接电话,说:There's a call for you. 如果要找的人就在附近,也听到了电话铃声,那么就可以说:It‘s a call for you. 或者:It's for you. call 是 telephone call 的省略说法,是名词。
    (3) 电话中问对方是谁,说:Who's that? 或:Who's calling? call 在此是动词,意为打电话。
    (4) 电话中说出自己是谁,说:This is (Jim Brown) speaking. 或:(Jim Brown) speaking. 或:(Francis Matthews) here.
    注8. 回答别人的请求,常说 Certainly. 表示:当然可以。Certainly. 比 Of course 语气和缓一些。
    注9. come and (see) 常用于口语,表示来干什么。同样,还要以用 go and (see). 如:I'll come and see you.
    Let's go and watch TV.
    注10. this morning, this afternoon, this evening 是今天上午,今天下午,今天晚上。但今天夜里是 tonight.
    注11. All right. 表示同意对方的要求或请求,与 okay(OK)相同,但美国用OK多一些。

    B. Exercise

    1. 在电视节目中,有一段是 Mr Bond 打电话给 Mr Wilson 的秘书,请你注意地听,然后回答下列问题:
      Mr Bond 打电话的目的是什么?
      他能和 Mr Wilson 通知吗?为什么?
      Mr Bond 的电话号码是多少?
      Secretary: 614 2378. Good moring.
      Mr Bond: Good morning. Can I speak to Mr Wilson. please?
      Secretary: Who's calling, please?
      Mr Bond: My name is Bond, Hugh Bond.
      Secretary: I'm sorry, Mr Bond. Mr Wilson is out this morning. What's your number?
      Mr bond: Three, four, three, double nine, one, six.
      Secretary: 343 9916. All right. Mr Bond.
      Mr bond: Thank you. Goodbye.
    2. 练习对话:
      (1) 例句:
      A: What's (his) name?
      B: (John Green).
      A: How do you spell (Green)?
      B: (G-R double E-N).
      请用下列姓名套入上例进行练习(注意:Francis, John, Sam 是男人名,其他是女人名。)
      Francis Matthews; Mary Street; Mary Wills; John Bass; Jane Booth; Alice Letts; Mary Good; Sam Smith
      (2) 例句:
      A: What's (his) telephone number?
      B: (Five one double six double four).
      302 783399; 987 320045; 512 779900
      55 3466; 27 8664; 44 8859
    3. 请你为每句问话选择一句适当的答话:
      (1) What can I do for you? (d) I want to see Mr Matthews.
      (2) Who's calling? (e) This is Mary speaking.
      (3) Shall I come and see you? (c) Certainly. Let's meet at 2 o'clock.
      (4) How are you? (b) Fine, thanks.
      (5) Can I go and wacth TV? (a)I'm afraid you can't go now.
      (6) Can I have your telephone number? (f) Of course. It's 33 0665.
    4. 假设你去找一经理,到他办公室后,与他秘书说明来意。试就此编一小段对话。
      Secretary: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
      You: Yes. I want to see the manager, please.
      Secretary: Certainly. Can I have your name, please?
      You: (Own Name).
      Secretary: Ah, yes. The maneger is in this room. Follow me, please.
    5. 试打一电话给你朋友,约好今晚7点钟去看他。
      Shall I come and see at seven this evening.
    6. 阅读下面左图的信,现根据右面所写的内容,写一封相似的信。

    Dear Sam.
    How're you? Can I come and see you on Friday afternoon at your office? I'm come at a friend's. My telephone number is 604 1528. I'll be there at 7:30. Yours, (name)

    C. Summary

    1. 说法与用法

    (1) 想要见某人或与某人说话:
    I want to see Mr Jones, please.
    I want to speak to Mr Matthews, please.
    Can I speak to Mrs Black?
    (2) 问对方姓名:
    Can I have your name, please?
    (3) 告诉有人来找:
    (Mrs Black) is here to see you.
    (4) 问对方什么事:
    What can I do for you?
    (5) 电话中说自己是谁:
    This is (Jim Brown) speaking.
    (Jim Brown) speaking.
    (Jim Brown) here.
    (6) 电话中问对方是谁:
    Who's that, please?
    Who's calling?
    Who's speaking, please?
    (7) 读出双写的字母或电话号码:
    G-R-double E-N, Green.
    51-6644—— five, one, double six, double four.

    2. 语法

    (1)动词不定式由 to 加原形动词组成,可作为动词的宾语,如:
    I want to see Mr Brown.
    (2) 介词 in 表示位置, into 表示方向。
    (3) 人称代词的主格与宾语:

    主格 I you he she it we you they
    宾格 me you him her it us you them

    What can I do for you?
    I want to see Mr Matthews.
    I'm afraid you can't see him now.
    Yes, that's right.
    Can I speak to Mr Brown.
    This is Jim Brown speaking.
    It's the porter here.

    D. Words & expressions

    单词与表达方式 单词与表达方式
    to want /tu wɒnt/ vt. 要 to speak /tu spiːk/ vi. vt. 说
    to see /tu siː/ vt. 看见 certainly /ˈsɜːt(ə)nli/ adv. 当然
    secretary /ˈsekrət(ə)ri/ n. 秘书 to call /tu kɔːl/ vt. vi. 叫,喊,呼叫
    or /ɔː(r)/ conj. 或 call /kɔːl/ n. 通话
    into /ˈɪntuː/ preg. 进入 right /raɪt/ adj. 正确的
    afraid /əˈfreɪd/ adj. 害怕 all right /ˌɔːl ˈraɪt/ 好,行
    I'm afraid 恐怕 to stay /tu steɪ/ 逗留,短住
    with /wɪð/ prep. 和……在一起

    附1:Follow me (欧洲版教材)






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